My scale and I are about the same vintage. The scale is the color of a 1950s pink bathroom. Its small, clouded plastic window is cracked, it perpetually registers 4 pounds light, and at...
Anyone and everyone that you find will be talking about losing weight, and the complexities which are involved in the process. In all the methods you try, the major goal of each and everyone...
Is Your Brand Killing Your Online Sales? But there is a situation where trying to stay on brand and portray one perfect image to the world can keep you out of step with the...
We will optimize the site, analyze, suggest and include keywords and search terms. Submit to all major search engines and the open directory. Submit to paid Search engines. Exchange links and build affiliate relationships....
In Southeast Asia, there are five main tourist attractions: beautiful beaches, food, cheap shopping, nightlife and the ubiquitous massage parlors. Hollywood has made the last two a kind of Southeast Asian stereotype. And, like...
When you are trying to find a reliable Orlando plumber for your Florida home, remember that plumbing issues can be somewhat different than those found in other states. Because of the high water table,...
I have a new part in an up-and-coming movie and for once the role actually requires me to put on weight as opposed to losing it. I have had roles before when I have...
Have an online MBA in accounting and looking for a job these days? To start your career in the field of accounting, your first accounting MBA job will very likely be an entry-level position...
Education is an investment in time, money, and effort and it’s the only thing a young person needs to establish his value in today’s highly competitive world of business and commerce. Attending college is...
With the economy in unstable condition, and people losing their jobs due to budget cuts and many other things, the amount of homes being foreclosed upon has grown quite a bit in the last...