We will optimize the site, analyze, suggest and include keywords and search terms.
Submit to all major search engines and the open directory.
Submit to paid Search engines.
Exchange links and build affiliate relationships.
Significantly improve Alex traffic rank and Google Page Rank.
Provide or review website traffic analysis.
Site maintenance to improve site position.
Google and Overture Keyword Advertising
Keyword advertising is simple in the sense that all advertising is simple. Buying space and putting up and is easy to do, however good advertising and success are elusive. Bad advertising is expensive and ineffective. Success requires experience, skill, research, tweaking and maintenance. The good news is that we will deliver success. From keyword choice to ad text to landing pages, we know what works and can do it all.
Site Effectiveness
Often called usability research, it not only insures that a site works effectively but provides a host of marketing information. Over 60% of sites fail minimal usability tests which translate directly to lost business. Eliminate uncertainty in one day with a thorough site test which will reveal over 95% of your sites problems. Measure: site messaging, brand impact, sign up resistance, and gain insights into the behaviors behind, exits, site paths and short page duration. Testing insures that the user can accomplish important tasks in a logical and intuitive manner.
Studies about Site Effectiveness reveal:
Research shows that 67% of users cited ease of use and 59% cited download speed as reasons for continuing to return to websites.
Further research found:
• Slow-loading abandonment costs online businesses an estimated $4.35 billion annually in lost revenue.
• One website studied dropped abandonment rate from 30% to 7% by reducing download time by one second, per page.
Email Campaigns
This proven tool now faces has new laws and a flood of spam filling client inboxes. Nevertheless, recent opt-in campaigns of ours have brought between 10 and 30% response rates. We will use all available tools from Nero Linguistic Programming to profiling to bring you more business.
Newsletter Campaigns
Quality newsletters keep you “top of mind”, increase traffic and build community. Creating quality newsletters every week or month can take you away from valuable efforts. Our editors can refine and improve your copy or build and delivery your newsletters on time and on target.
Educate Your Audience
Reach end users, resellers, employees with your product information. We have used video, audio, PowerPoint and text documents to raise awareness and inform. We can develop the media, stream it from our servers or make it available as a download.
Find New Customers
Our Customer acquisition programs range broadly from guerrilla marketing or list acquisition techniques. Together we will find and convert new customers.